Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guess Who?

Have you ever played the game Guess Who with your child? Well, it’s the perfect game to do in Spanish! With a limited list of questions, your child can master them quickly. I would maybe make a list of the questions on paper with a picture to represent each one. For example, you could draw a moustache on the paper with the question “Does your person have a moustache?”

Does s/he have a beard? ¿Tiene barba? Tee-EH-neh BAHR-bah
Does s/he have a moustache? ¿Tiene bigote? …bee-GOH-teh
Does s/he have glasses? ¿Tiene anteojos? …ahn-teh-OH-hohs
Does s/he have hair? ¿Tiene pelo? …PEH-loh
Does s/he have blonde hair? ¿Tiene pelo rubio? …PEH-loh ROO-bee-oh
Does s/he have brown hair? ¿Tiene pelo café? …PEH-loh kah-FEH
Does s/he have white hair? ¿Tiene pelo blanco? …PEH-loh BLAHN-koh
Does s/he have blue eyes? ¿Tiene ojos azules? …OH-hohs ah-ZOO-lehs
Does s/he have brown eyes? ¿Tiene ojos cafés? …OH-hohs kah-FEHS
Does s/he have a hat? ¿Tiene sombrero? …sohm-BREHR-oh
Is it a man? ¿Es hombre? Ehs OHM-breh
Is it a woman? ¿Es mujer? Ehs moo-HEHR

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